Monday, May 25, 2009

Being a Team Player by Shawna Wood

I grew up in a family of people who love to play sports. I have two older brothers and a sister who always wanted to play some kind of game. My father has been a P.E. Coach for almost 40 years and still can keep up with the best of them. I, however, was not one to play any kind of sport. I was happy playing with dolls, dressing up, singing in front of the mirror, and yes - even back then - shopping! But when you are born into a family who lives, breathes, and sleeps sports, there is no way around involving yourself somehow.

So, I decided I would be the official cheerleader of the family. I never missed a chance to sit on the sidelines and scream and yell, showing my family support. I felt as though that was enough, although I never physically played a game. However, as I got older, I realized my love for sports grew stronger. It was no longer enough to just sit on the sidelines and cheer for my team. I wanted to be a part of the team. My family was close, and what they did, I wanted to do.

It was no surprise that when I fell in love it was with a man who had the same love for sports as my family. I have an awesome husband and two precious children who need me to be a team player. Cheerleading on the sidelines just isn’t enough. I want to do more than just cheer for my family; I want to play in the game. I want to be an example to my children so that they, in turn, will get up, get off the bleachers, step up to the plate, and be part of the team.

Members of a church family have the same responsibility. There are many who only sit on the sidelines cheering for other people, but they miss out on all the awesome opportunities by not playing in the game. Sitting on the sidelines is their only contribution. Every individual has a position to play, no matter how big or small. Think of how many games can be won if everyone’s in the game. I pray that each one of us look into our own lives, find our game, get off the bleachers, step up to the plate, and be part of the team!

Shawna Wood

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