Living in Orlando has lots of perks, one of them being the fact that lots of people come to visit. We were told by many locals that people would be coming all the time to visit. I’ve heard that before living close to Chicago, living in Kansas City, and living at Andrews University, but nothing has really prepared me for how much people actually come to visit Orlando! I’ve probably seen more people in the last few months than ever came to visit me at any of the other places I’ve lived combined!
Lots of people come for the attractions. SeaWorld, Disney, Universal, Busch Gardens, and a host of others bring in loads of people, but the weather plays a big part of that as well. Sunny skies and ocean beaches are definitely inviting when you’ve been shoveling snow and fighting blizzards for the last few months.
Vacation. Whether it’s the attractions or the weather, family or friends, people come here to decompress, to vacation, and to experience something out of the ordinary. In pondering all the great people that I’ve seen and their reasons for visiting, I wondered, if my personality was a physical address, would I be a destination location?
It seems like a silly thought, but I think it’s one we should all ponder. Do our demeanors look like sunny beaches, or do they resemble cold and icy snow banks? Are we a reprieve for people, or do they need a vacation from our climate? Does our experience with Jesus offer something out of the ordinary?
The real estate mantra is “location, location, location.” So again I ask, if your personality were a physical address, would it be a desirable location? Would people come to visit? Would they leave refreshed? Would they want to come back?
Greg Creek
Wonderful questions Greg! And what does it say of our relationship with Christ if we are not a destination personality? very thought provoking.