Monday, April 12, 2010

Driving Without a Spare by John Monday

Christian Philosopher Zane Yi spoke to us this weekend about Christ’s expectation that we be more worldly. He taught in depth from Mark 5:13 where Christ identifies his disciples as the salt of the world.

Zane made a compelling argument that salt, in order to accomplish its purpose, must be broken up and mixed into the food that it is flavoring. When salt is used properly, the flavors of the food are enhanced, the food becomes more palatable, and the meal becomes better.

Likewise, when Christians are mixed into the world, the God flavors of the world are enhanced and revealed. But when Christians all clump together, we become a worthless, white lump that is no good to anyone. Like a block of salt, we become cumbersome, disgusting and useless. In short, when we clump together we are not fulfilling Christ’s vision of us. I think Zane is right.

As I was considering the things Zane spoke to us about, I started thinking about my salt responsibilities in light of the words of another great poet who influences my life: Jimmy Buffett. Buffett writes much about the vanity and busyness of our lives. In the song “Wonder Why We Ever Go Home,” he writes:

People are movin' so quickly.

Humor's in need of repair.

Same occupations and same obligations,

they've really got nothing to share,

like drivin' around with no spare

I can relate to both the busyness of life and the clumpiness of my Christian family. I start my day rushing to get my kids off to church school, where my wife works as the business manager. I get ready and go to work at the church. On Saturday morning we all go back to the church where we see all the people we saw all week.

Birthdays, holidays, sporting events, social events – all the same people. I can go weeks moving as fast as I can from one thing to the next without ever having a meaningful conversation with anyone outside my church family, and it can make me toxic.

Don’t misunderstand. I cherish church and the social opportunities it affords, but if I’m to be salt, as Christ has it envisioned, then I’m going to have to come up with some spare: spare time, spare money, spare room in my life. I’m going to have to mingle with people as one who has their best interest at heart. (Sound familiar?)

Clumping feels safer, it’s easier, it requires less effort, but I promise you there are some great flavors out there in the world just waiting to be unlocked by the salt in you.

John Monday

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