Sunday, November 14, 2010

Leave It! by Karen Spruill

My dog, Teddy, is easily distracted by every bit of trash, leaves, sticks, bugs and acorns, that we come across on the sidewalk or in his line of vision. If he sees it, he puts it in his mouth. Of course, I know that some tidbits will be especially tempting as I anticipate his attraction from my height advantage. So when I take him on walks around the neighborhood, I really appreciate one of the commands that he learned in obedience class. I end up using the “Leave It!” command a lot. I want him to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the big beautiful world. There are birds, squirrels, children, other pets, water and flowers for us to explore together. However, Teddy will never get the Big Picture of what our walk could become if his nose is on the ground messing with junk.

Usually within one or two firmly voiced commands from me, Teddy has dropped the offending item. I say, “Good Boy!” and we are on our way. His obedient response makes our time together more much enjoyable with less tugging on the leash and worry over what he has just swallowed. I love it when my dog becomes re-focused, turns his darling little face toward me and we set off again on the path before us.

Since I have used the “Leave It” command, I have thought a lot about how much easier my life would be if I could audibly hear God say that to me at times. In my morning quiet times or as I try to meditate, I find it helpful to practice "Leave It" when my mind wanders to worries or lists of duties. My daily walk with God is interrupted as I become distracted by so much of the “trash of life.” Often it is just a bunch of little things that do not amount to much, but as I spend time on them—pick them up, puzzle over them, chew on them, or even play with them—I forget about my Master. Teddy is at least on the end of a leash as we walk. In my life, I am free to get just as distracted as I chose and wander far away.

Perhaps God does use the “Leave It” command in many ways. Surely the 10 Commandments are "Leave Its" designed to protect us from harm. Sometimes other people that I attempt to walk through life with offer me "Leave Its" as they share their experiences or wisdom. The Scriptures and godly authors, with the examples of those who have walked before us, are full of "Leave It" messages.

“Lord, Help me to listen to your Leave It commands. I truly want to look up and see that we have much to explore together.”

Karen Spruill

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Member of the Florida Hospital Church

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