Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Current Debt by Tami Cinquemani

This morning’s newspapers, talk shows, and Internet news feeds share a common theme: the United States’ credit rating downgrade from AAA to AA+. The happenings of the recent past have led U.S. credit rating agency S&P to question our nation’s ability to pay our debt and have a credible long-term plan for reducing it.
And even in this crisis situation, even though the bickering and lack of willingness to work together has brought us to a place where none of us want to be, the partisanship and pettiness continues. As I’ve watched the theatrics acted out on our political stage for the past several months, I just want to be in the room and plead, “Come on, people! We know we’re in trouble, and we’re all in this together. These pathetic one-sided arguments are counter-productive. Can’t we just admit the problem, come together, and take a bold stand on the true solution?”
Our Senior Pastor, Andy McDonald, had a great sermon yesterday. He talked about the story in John 9 where Jesus heals the man born blind. The religious leaders of the day were furious. Jesus had healed on the Sabbath. Jesus solved the problem; he brought healing and wholeness to this man, but He didn’t do it in the way the Pharisees wanted it done. They grilled the healed man, even questioning whether he was actually ever blind! Their arguments were preposterous, petty, and completely missed the point. Jesus was the answer!
As a church, I hope we learn from the mistakes of our political leaders as well as the mistakes of the biblical religious leaders. There is only one solution to our human “debt” problem – Jesus. We can easily get bogged down in meaningless petty arguments that get us nowhere. It’s time we admit the problem, come together, and take a bold stand on the true solution. Jesus makes it clear in Luke 10:41-42: “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.” Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the solution. Jesus is enough.
Tami Cinquemani


  1. Great object lesson and good to remember amidst the confusion. - J. Banks
