Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is There Room in the Kingdom by Chad Hess

These past couple weeks since Hurricane Sandy devastated the east coast have brought many rare sights and amazing stories.  But there is one story in particular that stands out to me.  President Obama and New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, were not just working together, but gushing with praise about the other person.  Considering that Governor
Christie has been one of the harshest critics of President Obama and that this happened in the midst of a bitterly divisive presidential election, this story is indeed rare.  It only took a massive natural disaster in major metropolitan areas to make it happen.

I wonder what it would take for Christians of different denominations to not just work together, but to gush with praise for each other? It's easy for me to look at politicians and get frustrated that they are so focused on arguing about their differences that they fail to do the job they were elected to do.  Yet, at times, I see the same behavior in Christians and in myself.  The more that I have gotten to know friends of other denominations or other religions, the more I have appreciated and grown from their beliefs.  A Muslim friend of mine helped me appreciate Jesus in a new way.  My Methodist friends have helped me recognize what aspects of Adventist culture are unique to Adventists and which are not so different than other Christians.  A Baptist author helped me view the Sabbath in a new light.

Great growth and collaboration is possible when we change our perspective.  Am I more focused on arguing my beliefs or accomplishing God's mission?  Instead of trying to convince another Christian of my point of view, can I celebrate the unique perspective on God that they bring to the table?  Can we work together recognizing that we are all called to advance the Kingdom of God?  I believe there is plenty of room in that Kingdom for differences of opinion.

Chad Hess

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding Chad. What a great analogy and perspective!
