Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Will They Know? by Tami Cinquemani

“And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

I remember singing this song when I first became a Christian back in the Eighties. John 13:35 states, “This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Is this true today?

My husband, Jeff, and I were driving to church a couple of weeks ago, and as we drove down the street of the church, we saw an elderly woman standing in the road waving her arms. We pulled up to her and asked what the problem was.

“I’m 93 years old, and I’ve locked myself out of my house,” was her response. We pulled into the driveway and, while Jeff worked on jimmying open a window, I chatted with the woman. In a matter of minutes, he had climbed into the house and opened the front door. The dear lady was delighted

“You’re Seventh-day Adventist, aren’t you?” she asked. “Do you know how I know that?”

I would have liked nothing better than to hear her say, “Because you’re so helpful,” or “Because you cared about me,” or something along those lines. What she actually said was, “Because you’re so dressed up on a Saturday morning.”

I’m afraid this may be one of the only reasons many Christians are distinguished as such – because of their attire as they head to weekend services. Unfortunately, that may be one of the more positive things associated with Christians lately. Personally, that frustrates me. However, it can be an understandable designation when our behavior is not always consistent with our message.

I just wonder if things would be different if Christians were completely filled to overflowing with the love of Jesus. If we started each morning, spent each day, and ended each evening with a conscious decision to allow Jesus to fill our hearts and minds, for what would we be known? If we treated each person we met as a fellow child of God – regardless of their status in this world, would people see a clearer resemblance to our Heavenly Father? If our first reaction was to love and serve rather than to judge and label, would the way we dress even be noticed?

And they’ll know we are Christians . . . by our love.

Tami Cinquemani


  1. Tami, I believe that the ability to love in such a way comes from receiving that kind of love from the Father. If you don't "own" that kind of love, you don't have it to give away. Instead, we search for the life that is no life by trying to make ourselves look good and "hiding" when we can't manage our behavior. Judging each other (as we internally condemn ourselves) is a part of that vicious cycle. Very sad and not a very compelling picture of the gospel.

  2. So very true, Jodie. I pray we can "own" the gracious and merciful love given to us by God so we then give it away freely and extravagantly.
