Sunday, October 28, 2012

It Will Pass by Francini Reis

This week was an emotional rollercoaster. Early Sunday morning, I found myself in the middle of a water leak that flooded our house with two inches of water. The next couple of days were spent washing clothes and organizing the house after the mess.

The timing couldn’t have been worse as we had plans to celebrate my daughter, Chloe's, 5th birthday. We really wanted to have a relaxing week, but it was not meant to be. As I sit and think back on everything that’s happened, I am exhausted.   I am writing this blog after a birthday party at Orlando Junior Academy, and I am watching Chloe playing in the playground with her daddy.  The “storm” has passed.

Once upon a time, a king called his wise men and asked for an oracle that would help him deal with all hardships during his reign. The wise men came up with all kinds of tricks, concoctions, and spells. Nothing seemed to appeal to him. When all was said and done, the king said, "Is this all?" In the back of the room, an old, wrinkled hand went up. It was the oldest wise man. The king summoned him, and he walked slowly up to the throne.  Kneeling before the king, the old man handed him a headband made of pure linen. On it were the words "It Will Pass."

Our life is just like a rollercoaster; sometimes we enjoy the ride, sometimes we are scared to death. Other times, we can't wait for it to be over so we can laugh, scream, or even cry. Each one of us has different opportunities, fears, problems, and frustrations. How we tackle life is what defines who we are. The trick is not to let the upsets define you.

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Francini Reis

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